Reply author: Superal
Replied on: January 30 2003 15:57:05

I take it that you have your own server. There are many security issues that pertain to servers alone. Without these measures in place, VPASP is vulnerable. Remember these guys have tools to open the cracks in the server holes. Close em.
Look at the lastest virus attacks on servers only. The security issue has been known for over 6 months but unless you are persistant on updating you see what happens.

Inurl: shopadmin.asp

Reply author: Superal
Replied on: January 30 2003 16:10:21

Just for instance I immediately found a butcher shop in the UK that has left shopdbtest available. No problem for me, no problem for others!
Man oh man there are dozens! Snikeees! Now if I were a crook or a smacker I could have a lot of fun.
Edited by - superal on January 30 2003 16:18:09

Reply author: mohajali
Replied on: May 29 2003 11:48:27

hi there every body
look at this website:
there is 360 vulnerable site in this vuln
isn't there is any1 to contact them and tell then that they are vulnerable

VP-Cart StoreFront Customer Forum :

1. Change your password
This should be the first thing that you do when working with VP-CART.
To change your password:
Carlsbro eclipse 12 manual 2017. Note: You should complete this process for the VPCART user as well, or delete it.
2. Add a second password
As the default passwords are stored in a database, it is important to add a second password that is not stored in the same place. By adding a second password you can ensure that your admin page has maximum security.
3. Rename your Admin Page
For increased security, it is recommended that the admin log in page is made a stand-alone page with no reference to it in the database. Follow these easy steps to rename your Admin page:
4. Setting your xadminmenucheck - Version 6.50 and earlier only
As an enhanced security feature, setting your Xadminmenucheck = yes will ensure that each menu used is checked against the list of menus available to that administrative userid.
To change this setting:
5. Setting your xrestrictadmintables
This security setting will ensure that tables are limited to those administrators given permission to access them.
To change this setting:
6. Setting your xshowadmin
This feature allows the shopadmin.asp to be displayed if an error occurs – by setting this to ‘No' a general error message page will be displayed. This is an enhanced security feature against hackers and the recommended setting is ‘No'.
To change this setting:
7. Changing the database name
Note: this is for Access users ONLY!
It is recommended that you rename your database by giving it a name that is unique and hard to guess.
Changing your database name:
7. Removing all diagnostic files
Delete all files starting with the word “convert”. These files include the following:
convertsql.asp convert600.asp convert600imageupload.txt
convert600access.txt convert600config.txt convert600sqlserver.txt
convertcategories.aspconvertconfig.asp convertproducts.asp
create600mysql.txt create600admin.txt create600demo.txt
Please note: if you have an earlier version, these files will have that version number in their name instead of '600' – e.g. create500demo.txt
Remote Users: Please ensure that you have deleted all these files on both your local PC, and your remote server.
8. Removing all files starting with “diag”
Delete all files starting with “diag”. These files include the following:
Remote Users:Please ensure that you have deleted all these files on both your local PC, and your remote server.

Inurl: Shopadmin.asp

9. Encrypting Credit Cards
It is important to encrypt any credit card information that you are taking through your site – and to ensure that the encryption code used is different to that in the Payments section of the configuration. This is important so that if a hacker does somehow manage to download your database, it will do them no good as the information it contains will be encrypted.
To set your encryption:
10. Credit Card Storage Settings
VP-CART recommends that you do not store credit card numbers.
If you take credit card numbers into your system rather than using a Payment Gateway, we recommend that you delete the credit card number as soon as the order has been processed. This can either be done manually, or the shopa_displayorders.asp page can be set to delete credit card numbers automatically when the order is marked as processed.

To Hack Shopadmin Asphalt 8

In order to automatically delete credit card numbers as soon as an order is processed, simply:
All orders should now be printed and processed immediately. Credit card numbers will be deleted as soon as an order is processed in the admin.
11. Securing your Database
Note: this is for Access users ONLY!
If your database is not in a secure location, with the correct setting, hackers may be able to download through the web browser. To secure your database folder you will need to update your IIS settings, and the NTFS properties on your database folder.
To test if your settings are correct, attempt to browse to your database (e.g. http://localhost/shopping/database). You should receive a “ The Page cannot be displayed ” error. If you do not receive this error and your database starts to download, please follow the steps below.
If a third party is hosting your website, you will need to check that you have been provided with a database directory and that the correct permissions have been set. If you are uncertain, please contact your web host and ensure that the following have been set:

To Hack Shopadmin Asp Access

To Hack Shopadmin Aspen

Setting IIS permissions on your database folder

To Hack Shopadmin Aspirin

Setting up database permissions